Migrants as a resource of the precariat





precariat, migrants, anomie, uncertainty, transgression, solidarity


The article is devoted to new socio-economic processes in the construction of labor relations and the formation of the workforce, as well as the socio-cultural and political consequences of these transformations. The precariat is considered as a socio-economic phenomenon, which objectively arises against the background of uncertainty and rapid changes of the modern era. The author focuses on the study of social characteristics and risks of the precariat. This particularly concerns migrants who join the ranks of a new social layer.

The relationship between social anomie and the transgressive state of migrants and other fractions of the precariat is clarified. The influence of objective global processes and the situationality of everyday life on the active integration of new forms of employment into the socio-economic space is shown. It has been proven that solidarity is an effective strategy for adapting a person to the conditions of uncertainty in the life of migrants and the risks of the precariat way of being.


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How to Cite

Kolinko, M. (2022). Migrants as a resource of the precariat. Skhid, 3(2), 76–81. https://doi.org/10.21847/2411-3093.2022.3(2).287361