The influence of Islam on the stability and adaptability of the political system of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Islam, political system, Islamic Republic, Iran, protests, legitimacy, Faqih.Abstract
In the realm of Iran's political landscape, we find an extraordinary, indeed unique, system that has endured for over four decades. This intricate political framework is rooted in the Shia Islamic tradition, setting it apart from conventional political models. It is marked by a remarkable duality, where the secular and religious spheres of authority coexist in a delicate equilibrium. Furthermore, it boasts a dual legitimacy, with religious institutions wielding substantial influence over the state's affairs. The primary objective of this discourse lies in the assessment of the system's efficiency and adaptability within the context of Iran's socio-political environment. A profound exploration delves into the direct impact of Islam on the various political institutions and organizations that shape the nation's destiny. Thus, Islam emerges as a pivotal factor in not only maintaining political stability but also in ensuring the resilience of the entire political system. Contemporary Iran showcases a synthesis of republican and religious governing bodies, incorporating Western democratic principles with the Shia understanding of the Muslim community's life. While all republican authorities are elected through democratic processes, they remain subject to oversight by religious institutions. Notably, the past four decades have witnessed a greater consolidation of power in the hands of the Supreme Leader and religious entities at large. Elected leaders of the republican bodies have progressively emerged from the religious elite, blurring the lines between secular and religious domains. Consequently, mass civil protests are now directed not at a specific body, be it secular or religious, but rather at authority as a whole. Central to the stability of this system is the figure of the Supreme Leader. In a truly unique fashion, the Supreme Leader simultaneously embodies divine and democratic legitimacy, standing as an unparalleled entity within the governmental structure. The dynamics of political processes in Iran unveil a nuanced reality: religion, while not directly shaping political events, seamlessly integrates into the political framework, dominating it and ensuring the efficient operation of the state machinery. Temporarily, this arrangement proves capable of upholding stability, adaptability, and dynamism within Iran's political sphere. However, an alarming trend of religious authorities encroaching upon governmental powers gradually erodes the fundamental essence of Iran's dualistic religious-political system. As a result, the benefits of such a system, particularly in terms of fostering political and socio-economic equity, are placed in jeopardy.
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