Establishment of the Mariupol State University as a Humanities Education and Science Center in the North Pryazovya
Mariupol State University, Mariupol Humanities College, Mariupol Humanities Institute, Northern Azov Region, historical regional studiesAbstract
The study analyzes issues related to the establishment of Mariupol State University as a Center of humanitarian education and science in the Noth Pryazovya (the Northern Azov region). The prerequisites for the creation of the Mariupol Hu-manities College at Donetsk State University, as well as the Mariupol Humanities Institute of DonSU, are highlighted.
The study of the mentioned issue permits to consider the place of the Greek community in the social life of the Azov region, the peculiarities of the Greek men-tality formation and the influence of this national and cultural factor on the formation of a higher education humanities institution in Mariupol. The issue of the formation of educational and scientific components in the activities of the Mariu-pol Humanities Institute is being clarified.
In the article, considerable attention is paid to the study of the Mariupol State University’s place in the development of Ukrainian-Greek educational, scientific, cultural ties, various contacts in the humanitarian sphere, various aspects of Hel-lenistic studies at the institute are analyzed, historical and philological aspects of teachers’, post-graduate students’ and students’ studies are indicated.
Theoretical studies of authoritative foreign and Ukrainian Scientists F. Brodel, Ya. Vermenych, E. D. Smith and others are included in the analysis of the chosen topic. According to the interdisciplinary approach, the article combines elements of regional and sociocultural history.
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