The discursive nature of modern science: philosophical understanding
science, discourse, technoscience, social turbulence, postclassical dis-course, postacademic discourse, science of the 2nd modeAbstract
The article attempts to find out the patterns of adequate discursive interpreta-tion of science in conditions of social turbulence. For this, based on the socio-communicative methodology, the author makes sense of the relationship between science and philosophy, and also characterizes the state of the modern scientific debate about science in domestic and foreign scientific discourse in such fields as understanding the tasks of post-nonclassical science (O. Polishchuk, I. Do-bronravova, G. Haken), possibilities of reality transformation by means of techno-science (H. Bashlyar, B. Latour, V. Maryniuk, V. Melnyk), risks of post-academic science development (J. Ziman, O. Kuz, V. Cheshko), modes/types of science (M. Gibbons, H. Novotny, S. Limoges, L. Ryzhko). The main result of the study is the author's definition of the strengths and weaknesses of science in a socially turbu-lent space. Among its strengths, the author attributes such properties as increased scientific attention to applied problems, a higher degree of scientific self-organization, multitasking at different levels and within different types of relation-ships, communicativeness. Among the weaknesses are the risks of science losing fundamentality, disciplinary boundaries, which is accompanied by a loss of clarity in the methodology and criteria of scientific success, as well as the risk of replac-ing scientific truth with non-academic success criteria, such as the economic suc-cess of science, political correctness, etc. It is concluded that in the situation of global transformations and uncertainty which humanity is currently experiencing, new characteristics of science are developing, which help to understand the risks and dangers of moving away from traditional academicism.
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