Ukrainian feminism as a factor of social changes




feminism, social changes, Ukrainian life world, forms of sociality, national specificity of Ukrainian feminism


The article discusses the theoretical foundations of Ukrainian feminism, substantiates its practical significance for social changes in society. The subject of research attention is the individual and collective dimensions of feminism, the influence of this important social phenomenon on the value evolution of Ukrainian society. Attention is focused on the goal-rational and value-rational dimensions of the women's community, its moral and normative foundations. The role of the Ukrainian lifeworld in the value demarcation of Ukrainian women from imperial sociality is understood.

Emphasis is placed on the European social prerequisites of Ukrainian feminism, its consistency with liberal and communitarian ideas. The fundamental methodological approaches of representatives of postcolonial studies and critical social theory are analyzed. The national specificity of Ukrainian feminism as a social alternative to the distorted imperial forms of sociality is noted. Synthesized are theoretical and practical approaches that interpret feminism as a complex social phenomenon that has rational and sensual components. The reasons for the predominance of sensuality in the conditions of total alienation and its conditioning by historical factors are explained.


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How to Cite

Pasko, Y., & Zaitseva, I. (2023). Ukrainian feminism as a factor of social changes. Skhid, 4(1), 45–50.