Communication: topology of metadiscourse of social interactions




communication, discourse, topology, intercommunication, dialogue, social interaction


The article focuses on the definition and analysis of communication as a metadiscourse of social interactions in terms of the topological methodology. Socio-cultural transformations that shape the model of the global world and change the Ukrainian landscape, the intensification of cross-cultural contacts, international relations, relations of social communities on different levels actualize the problem of communicative interaction. Globalization processes, which involve representatives of different cultures in the general development of civilization, the challenges of military conflicts, in particular the war of Ukrainian people against the Russian invasion, require an adequately constructed discourse. In such contexts, the concept of communication as a metadiscourse, that is, a discourse about the discourses of social interactions, acquires a new meaning.


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How to Cite

Kolinko, M., Petryshyn , H. ., & Chumak , H. . (2023). Communication: topology of metadiscourse of social interactions. Skhid, 4(1), 9–16.