Network Strategies in the Discourse of Education: Advantages, Disadvantages, Prospects




information society, Internet, educational space of higher education institutions, student’s personality, distance learning, digital education


The article summarizes the theoretical and methodological basis of transformation of the modern educational space from the standpoint of subordination to such goals of information society as the improvement of “human capital” and the education of an “informational person,” the formation of a “knowledge economy,” and the formation of a new paradigm of interpersonal communication. In the context of the specified goals, the specifics of development of the educational space in information society and the decisive role of the Internet technology in this process were investigated. The role of remote digital education is outlined and the ambivalence of its influence on the student’s personality in the discourse of education (self-education) and upbringing is substantiated. It has been proven that both its advantages and disadvantages arise not only from the peculiarities of the Internet technology, but also from the anthropological peculiarities of the perception of information on the Internet. Its mostly positive educational and mostly negative ethos potential is systematized. The security mission of the Internet is extremely valuable, which is confirmed by the examples of the recent Covid-19 pandemic and the current educational situation in Ukraine under the conditions of war.


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How to Cite

Ishchuk , N. ., & Vasiuk, I. (2023). Network Strategies in the Discourse of Education: Advantages, Disadvantages, Prospects. Skhid, 4(1), 27–33.