The formation of sensory life discourse in the conditions of “Other” sociocultural experience




experience, sense, meaning, sense perception, sensory understanding, discourse, communication, community, responsibility


The article discusses the study of discourse related to sensual life within the context of a different sociocultural experience. The formation of this discourse is said to be influenced by legitimizing the horizontal principle in social relations, which is mainly constituted by research and developmental epistemic and discur-sive influences on the social, political, and cultural situation in society. The author employs a methodological procedure to differentiate between sensory perception and sensory understanding at the level of emotional intellect, highlighting the indi-vidual contributions of each in shaping the discourse on sensual life. It is conclud-ed що the request for the constitution of the existential meanings of the organization of life is growing under the influence of the growth of the degree of individual freedom of human beings and the formation of an open communicative space of life. They are formed in the field of voluntary horizontal actions, prompting the person to self-activation and sense finding. Sense is associated with human sensation, sensitivity and perception “at the level of the senses” and physicality "at the level of intelligence”. Meaning at the “sense level” is manifested by “common sense” and the right direction in life, and “at the intellectual level,” meaning is determined by reflective thinking, relevant discursive ethical practices and worldviews as well as cognitive orientations.


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How to Cite

Safonik , L. . (2023). The formation of sensory life discourse in the conditions of “Other” sociocultural experience. Skhid, 4(1), 17–21.