Theoretical perspective of the development of "European idea": "Europe of concentrative circles" and "Europe of variable geometry"
European integration, "Europe of concentrative circles", political and judicial interests, social-economic development, "Europe of variable geometry"Abstract
This scientific article is devoted to the research of different aspects and forms of existence of the "European idea". In particular, the idea of "Europe of concentrative circles" and conception of "Europe of variable geometry" which were offered by the prime minister of France E. Balladur(1993-1995). The author focuses on the fact that the problems associated with formation or, in fact, definition of the theoretical foundations of contemporary European integration process have an objective character. This is due to deepening and enlargement of the EU, in the context of changes in theoretical approaches. Treated on the basis of facts the author makes following conclusions: the idea of "Europe of concentrative circles" provides more higher level of integration towards the "center" of the European Community, which would be after the EU political union, a common market and economic and monetary union. Followed by countries of the European Free Trade Association, close to the EU in economic and legal terms. The outer circle is composed of the countries associated with the EU applying for full membership. Fourth, the broadest range - there are the member-states of the OSCE as a common area of European cooperation.
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