Reception of medieval anthropology in "Trenos" Meletius Smotrytsky




human body, Eucharist, patristic anthropology, faith, sin


This article provides a detailed analysis of anthropological views of M. Smotrytsky that were outlined in his polemical essay "Trenos". We have analyzed a philosophical treatise of the work to identify a belonging of Ukrainian thinker to the medieval philosophical discourse. We also demonstrated novelty of M. Smotrytsky views against the backdrop of Ukrainian philosophical thought of XVII century. The main focus of the article is made upon the reception of medieval philosophical theories about the origin of life and the human body, which made M. Smotrytsky. In this article we provided a detailed analysis of all presentation logic understanding of the phenomenon of the human body presented by Ukrainian philosopher. 

Author Biography

Vitalii Shchepanskyi, National University "Ostrog Academy", Ostrog

postgraduate student of religious studies and theology


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How to Cite

Shchepanskyi, V. (2014). Reception of medieval anthropology in "Trenos" Meletius Smotrytsky. Skhid, (5(131).


