Religious education in the Baha'i Faith
Bahai Faith, education, learning, upbringing, religious education, a religious learning, religious upbringing, pedagogy Baha'i, religious pedagogy Baha'iAbstract
The author tries to find a place of religious education in religious traditions of the Baha'i Faith.
The main objectives of the research are:
1. to clarify the meaning of terms "education", "learning", "upbringing" and limits of their application in the field of education of the Baha'i faith;
2. to clarify the meaning of terms "religious education", "religious learning", "religious upbringing" and limits of their application in the field of education of the Baha'i faith;
After the analysis of the main terms of research the author introduced two concepts to describe the educational issue in the Baha'i Faith:
"Pedagogy of the Baha'i", which is further used in the value system that combines the processes of education, learning and upbringing in the confessional tradition of the Baha'i faith;
"Religious pedagogy Baha'i" as a system that combines the processes of religious education, religious learning, religious upbringing.
Pedagogy Baha'i is used in schools, colleges, universities and other social and educational projects, created on the initiative of the Baha'i believers and religious principles of this religious tradition.
Religious pedagogy Baha'i describes the processes of providing religious knowledge, skills and abilities (the study of the Scriptures and the sacred history of the Baha'? faith, learning the rules of the confession of religious traditions and religious activities, etc.), and upbringing in the spirit of the Baha'i believers - inculcation of religious virtues.
The author comes to the conclusion that religious pedagogy Baha'i originates from the main purpose of religious revelation of Baha'u'llah - teaching people the rules of life, the Laws of God, the faith.References
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