The construction of the Ukrainian model of intensification entrepreneurship




entrepreneurship, motivation, IDEF0 model


The article investigates the economic substance of motivation entrepreneurship. The research determined the role of motivation in the activation of entrepreneurship. The article pointed out that motivation is an essential part of business. Motivation is a process that is aimed at encouraging businesses to efficient economic activity, which results in the achievement of the specific economic goals. In general, all business activities related to the satisfaction of social needs. Businessman takes on property risks of economic activity from different motives. The main motivation of business is business profit. Features an internal nature of income from business consists in the fact that he obtained through market exchange made entrepreneur products or services carried out and the result is a better use of economic resources of the entrepreneur in the process of economic exchange.

The process of intensification entrepreneurial activity is a complex multi-system functional simulation which through the use of IDEF0-notation provides its formalization and detail. Functional multi-model business processes entrepreneurial revitalization constructed in order to visualize the structure of business processes, show their relationships to assess the optimality of interaction between business - processes and within a single business process. The model takes into account the impact of external factors and coordinated cooperation of the administration, support and promotion of entrepreneurship in the context of the business functions of motivation, coordination of business and most business entities.

The paper summarizes, the motivation in entrepreneurship should be considered as an economic process that may regulate to achieve the desired positive economic effect on economic activity entrepreneur. Motivation - a specific set of tools to stimulate and coercion that can influence the cost-effectiveness as part of doing business.

Author Biography

Oleksii Kotliarevsky, Donetsk National University

Postgraduate of Economic theory Department


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How to Cite

Kotliarevsky, O. (2014). The construction of the Ukrainian model of intensification entrepreneurship. Skhid, (4(130).


