Actual tasks on restaurant businesses development management in Ukraine
development, management, restaurant business, industrial activity, consumers, service qualityAbstract
It is defined in the article that large amount of factors have impact on restaurant businesses' management in Ukraine. Attraction of the business is caused by close links between tourism and recreation businesses and hotel and restaurant business, resulting in a high probability of rapid payback of investments.
It is determined that actual problems and tasks have to be solved for restaurant businesses development in Ukraine. Main obstacles that prevent from dynamic growth of restaurant business include military operations in the country and crisis in the socio-economic sphere, reduction of the possibilities of visiting the catering facilities by the population, negative experience of cooperation between restaurant businesses and national supervisory authorities, the poor quality of raw materials, logistics, inefficient use of capital, low level of informatization of business, poor effectiveness of providing units at restaurant businesses, poor coordination work of restaurant facilities with other members of the recreation business, lack of a significant interest in new types of catering and diversification of sales channels.
Elimination of these problems will significantly improve the efficiency of solution of modern problems in catering businesses, improve customer service by individualizing services and introduction of new services, improve staff qualifications and improve marketing work on promotion of goods and services on the market.
Processing of scientific approaches and practical recommendations of various authors let us find out that an important area of rationalization of management process of development of restaurant business is job of marketing, supply, sales and information technology departments. Successful execution of the functions of mentioned departments of the restaurant sector is able to create popular on the market products and services, establish high quality sales and thus create the potential for increase in efficiency.References
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