The evaluation of framework conditions for commercial initiatives in the realm of renewable energy of Ukraine
renewable energy, renewable energy sources, alternative energy sources, international commercial activities, investment projects, energy efficiency, energy service companyAbstract
The aim of the thesis is search of the status and prospects of Ukraine in international commercial projects in the realm of renewable energy, which allows analyzing the international investment environment in the study area of Ukraine. The thesis includes the resulting conclusions, which help: (a) to develop theoretical justification of conceptual, legal framework and practical guidelines for the implementation of commercial projects in the field of renewable energy in Ukraine, namely: the essence of renewable energy as an industry that uses the potential of renewable energy, (b) to find out its place in the structure of the energy sector of the state that makes possible the analysis of trends and outlining the prospects within its development, (c) to analyze the performance of investment projects in renewable energy in Ukraine within the framework of existing national programs, taking into account the specific mechanisms of economic partnership and international financing practices from leading credit and banking institutions, resulting in a systematized basic expectations and the threat of such projects in Ukraine, (d) to overview the basic information on foreign practices of the development of commercial projects and investment programs, as well as take into account the framework conditions that formed in Ukraine in the realm of renewable energy, (e) to identify the major obstacles for the implementation of alternative energy projects, its potential and to generate proposals for their elimination in the nearest future in Ukraine.
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