Theoretical concepts and regulatory practice development transnational corporations in the post-crisis world economy
concept, multinational corporations, the global economy, post-crisis situation, investmentAbstract
The article highlights and analyzes the definition of transnational corporations of various scholars and organizations, as well as the importance of these corporations and their influence on the world economy in general and the host country. Theoretical concepts of transnational corporations in terms of the post-crisis global economy. Odin tracked and summarized the main entrance ways multinationals on host countries' markets - dynamics transactions cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Highlight threat reduction efficiency of transnational corporations in the context of the world economy during the economic recession. Grouped main evaluation criteria when choosing a real investment by transnational corporations. Analyzed and proved macroeconomic number of parameters, such as the dynamics of the number of transnational corporations and their affiliates in the world and by countries and region; dynamics of FDI inflows in the world, as well as cross-border transactions and investments in new projects in regions and major countries. The basic directions of the regulatory practices of multinational corporations in terms of the post-crisis global economy.
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