Introduction to the European Community of Consumer Cooperatives: prospects for Ukraine




consumer cooperatives, the European Community of Consumer Co-operatives, Ukraine, prospects


The article outlines the principles of management by the European Community consumer cooperatives. Euro Coop managed by the General Meeting and the Board of Directors. Euro Coop sells four main objectives for the benefit of consumers: the promotion of economic and social goals; defense of responsible and ethical approach to food sustainability; information; provide a forum for information exchange.

Highlight the main priorities of policies Euro Coop: food policy (health and nutrition, animal welfare, local production, the reform of the common agricultural policy, new technologies); activities of retailers (equal conditions, the elimination of imbalances in the supply chain of food, availability of goods and services to consumers, increasing the responsibility of private brands); policy of sustainable development (climate change, consumption and production viable, fair trade); cooperative identity politics is (cooperative social responsibility, membership, consolidation, cooperative law); policy for consumers (consumer information and education, product safety, consumer rights and collective redress).

Courtesy of Conformity Assessment Program Ukoopspilka principles of the European Community, outlines steps towards further integration.

It is established that at the time of application Ukoopspilka based on the establishment of a unified system stores retail network in rural areas most suited to business principles retailers Euro Coop. The next step in the integration should be a phased introduction of other elements of the policy Euro Coop, especially food. There needs to be further study of the principles of cooperative social responsibility with regard to the institutional features of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Alexander Маnzhura, Poltava co-operative college

Ph.D. in Economics, deputy of director


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How to Cite

Маnzhura A. (2014). Introduction to the European Community of Consumer Cooperatives: prospects for Ukraine. Skhid, (4(130).


