Why should Ukraine be a fast state for overcoming war consequences?





Ukraine, war, economic development, fast economy, international politics, innovations, international geopolitics, military economy, compensations


A full-scale invasion of Ukraine became a challenge not only for it, but also for the whole world, which has not yet overcome the consequences of the covid pandemic. Rethinking approaches to assessing the impact of military actions on the economy requires the development of new theoretical foundations and practical recommendations. Previous experience cannot be used, including as a result of changes due to globalization processes.
The modern world is characterized by openness and interdependence at all levels - from economic to social. That is why blocking ports in Ukraine can cause famine in African countries. The influence of civil society affects the economic behavior of international corporations, which are forced to leave the market of the Russian Federation not only because of sanctions, but also to preserve the image and loyalty of consumers. The creation of a single European space currently also requires the formation of a single line of behavior in relation to Ukraine and Russia. This is far from a complete list of the latest relationships that shape the modern world and affect the economy.
Currently, Ukraine suffers losses every day, the amount of which cannot be fully estimated. This is hindered by the incompleteness of information, the continuation of hostilities, and the inconsistency of existing methods with the current situation.
In the article, based on the analysis of the existing situation and existing challenges, the concept of a fast state is proposed. The idea grounds the socio-economic state's development on the maximum promotion of entrepreneurial activity. It is based on a synergistic effect when the introduction of business opportunities will stimulate the creation of new workplaces, the growth of incomes, and with them, the expenses of the population, which in turn will boost the opening of new enterprises and the development of existing ones. The central, new idea of a fast state is to concentrate not on raising taxes but on reducing them as much as possible and filling the budget due to the growth of entrepreneurial activity, and not on increasing levies on those that are still functioning. Also, the research makes the point that the reconstruction of the state in the context of a fast state will be built based on finding one's own innovative trajectory of development and not on the adaptation of best practices focused on the catch-up nature of such action.


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How to Cite

Zharova , L. . (2023). Why should Ukraine be a fast state for overcoming war consequences?. Skhid, 3(3), 58–65. https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2022.3(3).266361