The specifics of manifestations of the interrelation political and legal consciousness in antiquity
political consciousness, legal consciousness, the ideology of state-building, state power, antiquityAbstract
Analysis of regularity of the ideology of state-building, analysis of specificity of the manifestation of this regularity at different stages of history, in particular, in antique times, - important components of research of the problem of formation of this ideology. The purpose of the article - investigate the specificity of manifestations of the interrelation political and legal consciousness, and, at the same time, the development of the ideology of state-building as a particular species of theoretically informed practical consciousness, which was used by the creators of state forms in antiquity. The study is based on the principles of materialist dialectics, historicism, formational and civilizational approaches. The obtained results of a study that summarize the scientific novelty can be formulated in the form of abstracts: a) identified two lines of ideological interaction on state building in antiquity; b) formed a theoretical model of ideological matrix of state-building of antiquity. Specificity of manifestations of the interrelation political and legal consciousness in antiquity - is the existence of two lines of ideological interaction in the field of state-building in a state-organized society: the first line - the unilateral influence of political consciousness on the legal consciousness; the second line - predominantly the asymmetric inverse influence of legal consciousness on political consciousness. These two lines of ideological interaction (the unilateral influence of political consciousness on the legal consciousness and predominantly the asymmetric inverse influence of legal consciousness on political consciousness) have created original ideological matrix of state-building. Within this ideological matrix of state-building in antiquity formed corresponding view of ideological phenomenon - the ideology of state-building of western slave state.
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