Housing and municipal economy in the context of general theory of institutional transformations
transformation economy, housing and municipal economy, institutional reforms, institutional matrixAbstract
The article analyzes the distinctive features of the housing and communal services in economy. The author advocates a point of view, according to which alternative means of branch reform lie in the plane of focus and fundamental institutional reforms installation - market or non-market. Political answers to this question have the same right to exist, but the economic approach provides a clear scientific rationale for the choice option of reform of municipal complex. The author argues that institutional theory stands a new way question of the significant role and influence of important parameters of economic development, such as social stratification of the population and poverty. One of the important provisions of Institutional Economics - statement about the need to reform orientation to a person, the combination of social justice and economic efficiency. The author expresses that trend of transfer financial social spending from the state budget savings are detrimental and impede the experience of countries with highly developed economies. Only the state social security allows you to add general nature and is guaranteed realization of inalienable human rights to adequate life support (aspect of social justice) and the formation of the modern economy adequate level of education and training (aspect of economic efficiency).
Without consideration of the institutional structure of society is impossible to explain and predict these transformations and changes taking place in today's global world. Political answers to this question have the same right to exist, but the economic approach provides a clear scientific rationale for the choice option of municipal complex.
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