Childrens religious rights through the prism of the russian legislation (the end of the ХІХ and ХХ centuries)
legal status, freedom worldview, religion, atheism, the Old Believers, denominationAbstract
The article, based on the analysis of a wide range of sources and literature, an attempt to determine the amount and location of the religious rights of children in the period from the end of XIX until the end of the twentieth century. The study analyzes the laws of two different political regimes. Shows the dependence of the religious rights of children from government policy and official ideology, principles and vision of the role of the child in the public relations person. Author determined the specifics of the legislation, these factors that influenced its formation, highlighted its positive and negative sides.
A significant part of the work devoted to the analysis of works of historians, lawyers, educators, sociologists who have studied the problem of children's rights. Analysis of works made it possible to critically assess the achievements of researchers and to determine the level of scrutiny of threads to justify its relevance. Investigated the relevance problem is caused by many factors, among which its insufficient knowledge in the national historiography, the need to improve the protection and preservation of the rights of children, the ability to use the positive experience in dealing with children's rights at the present stage.
An analysis of the legislation, it was found that children's rights have always been under the scrutiny of the government, because were directly linked to the issue of formation of such a citizen, which would correspond to the state order. The volume of the religious rights of the child depended on the ideology of the state is the vision of the role and the place of people and child in public relations, in accordance with changes in the socio-political power is gradually being replaced by the parent state, remained unchanged responsibility of parents to educate their children
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