A role and place of modern Ukrainian trade unions is in adjusting of kolektivno-contractual relations
trade unions, state, normatively is a legal act, collective agreementAbstract
Operating in soviet time collectively contractual practice in the conditions of party control and oderzhavlennya of professional organizations did not give the last possibility to execute the function of social defence of population. The elements of this practice passed to the postradyanskikh trade unions which besides were yet and deprived rights for initiation of bill. At the same time, will notice that collective agreements remain one of major documents which regulate the relations of employer and workers. Collective agreements carry complex character, as their constituents is a question of terms of labour, and payment of labour, and mode of labour, but other The basic social constituent of labour relations is concentrated exactly in this documents. Having regard to marked higher, it is possible to draw conclusion, that the state, concentrating all plenitude of legislature, did impossible the direct participating of trade unions in forming and adjusting collectively contractual relations, the same not transforming status of soviet trade union, and only creating the new forms of control above trade unions.
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