The principles of formation of the system of strategic management of an industrial enterprise development
principles, system, development, management, strategic management, industrial enterprise, development control systemAbstract
There has been noted that in the process of the development of economic relationship, improvement and technology integration, innovations and transformations implementation, increase in productivity and activity outcomes the principles of management, development and system functioning are changed, complemented and transformed. There has been found that to meet the goals of industrial enterprises development, encourage co-operation of all units in the system during development, make financial and economic, production and technical managerial decisions on the basis of systemic approach to management, analysis of systems principles, development and management of phenomena and processes it is necessary to take into account the developed basic and additional principles of formation of the strategic management system of the industrial enterprise development. The basic principles are: flexibility, integrity, optimality, efficiency, productivity; the additional ones: rationality, correspondence, dynamism, control. The multitude of the mentioned principles has been formed according to managerial actions that correspond to the stage of the formation of the development goal (correspondence and dynamism principles), stages of development management (flexibility, integrity, optimality, rationality, control principles) and stages of development goals realization (efficiency and productivity), which ensures specification of the role and principles in the process of the industrial enterprise development. The principles are subdivided according to subsystems of inner state (production and realization - flexibility principle, financial state - integrity, resource state - flexibility principle), the subsystem of outer state (correspondence and dynamism principle). There have been determined principles that characterize the functioning of all subsystems within the system of strategic management of development during the formation of managerial decisions (optimality, rationality and control principles) and during the results of the industrial enterprise development (efficiency and productivity principles).
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