Martin Heidegger's Fundamental Ontology: Authenticity and Everyday Practices
anthropological crisis, authenticity, conscience, everyday practice, guilt, finitudeAbstract
This article deals with the phenomenon of authenticity in the context of anthropological crisis that consists in everyday practices as skills to live under unauthenticity/defectiveness. On the basis of the deep analysis of Heidegger's fundamental ontology the author concluded that authenticity is a complex ontological experience of Dasein in which, due to the voice of conscience as a call to action, the sharpened feelings of one's own mortality, guilt and situation, are integrated. The author argues that we still don't have the general understanding of Martin Heidegger's fundamental ontology as a complex phenomenon of everyday life. Therefore in this article the author attempts to reconstruct the whole phenomenon of everyday life on the basis of Martin Heidegger's fundamental ontology, which is included two dimensions: ontological and ontic. The ontological dimension of Dasein's everyday life is primordial and reveals the authenticity of Dasein, meanwhile the ontic one reveals its defectiveness. Dasein is the concrete phenomenological wholeness as the unity of ontological and ontic dimentions in its own everyday life. But the reality contradicts such unity, because we see the lot of unrealized human beings. Therefore the authenticity remains as possibility, which doesn't realize during the everyday life of human being. The key result of this article is that the author analyses the process how non-authentic everyday life, which is ontic, but creates illusion that it is ontological, may become authentic. The main factors of such becoming are: call of conscience, the feelings of mortality and guilt.
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