Semiosis in the formation of lifeworld
semiosis, life-world, Umwelt, semiosphere, bricolage, sociosemiosis, social semioticsAbstract
The article discovers approaches to definition of semiosis and determines its functions and role at different levels of being. Regarding this definitions author clarifies the role of sign structure in semiosis. A connection of Umwelt and lifeworld is revealed, as well as their significant differences are specified. It is also concluded that semiosis as action of sign has fundamental influence on lifeworld. Semiosis is a threshold between different levels of life, so author analyses the its boundaries. Also author considers the aspects of sign action through prism of sign structure. Thus the special role of interpretant in semiosis is defined. Author placed great emphasis on special role of language in differentiation of antroposemiosis and other kind of semiosis. The pre-verbal signs, which precede human understanding and thinking, are another sphere of investigation. Pre-verbal signs construct species-specific Umwelt which is transformed to lifeworld by virtue of language sign system. Therefore author discovers the heuristic potential of C.Levi-Strauss' "bricolage" concept as mental semiosis. Mental semiosis expands our understanding of semiosis as such. Semiosis as mental phenomenon has close connection with society as level of lif world. Author proposes the view on society as "sociosemiosis" and is concerned about modern semiotic situation of human lifeworld.
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