Morals and law relationship in terms of the absolute Good in Volodymyr Soloviov's philosophy
Volodymyr Soloviov, morals, law, the good, ethics, philosophy of lawAbstract
The subject examined in the paper is a morals and law relationship in terms of the absolute Good in the context of the Russian philosopher Volodymyr Soloviov's philosophy of Total Unity. It is established that morals are expression of the idea of the absolute Good whereas law is a bridge between the ideal good and reality. Law specifies the law of God, defines the conditions for its implementation and sets limits of punishment if these conditions are not met and public safety is threatened.
With the above in view, the philosopher's idea of a potential use of force in the context of the law of God enforceability is topical. From Volodymyr Soloviov's viewpoint, law without force is only declaration whereas law without moral standards is violence. Morals without a legal framework may get reduced to moralization and even leveling of the idea of the absolute good.
Based on an analysis of V. Soloviov's treatise "Justification of the good. Moral philosophy", which is a key work covering this subject, the author draws a conclusion that a correct morals and law relationship is possible only when law, remaining within its formal bounds, supports fair order in society while harmoniously correlating with the law of God as the highest embodiment of the idea of the absolute good.
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