Scientific societies of Ukraine in the late ХІХth - early ХХth centuries in the context of modern scientific studies
scientific societies, science studies, institutionalization of science, scientific community, social scientific area, cognitive scientific area, synergetics, blocks of disciplinesAbstract
The attempt to analyze basic concepts of science studies, which make it possible to integrate scientific societies of Ukraine in the late ХІХth - early ХХth centuries the general background of research area, have been carried out in the article. Content of certain definitions ("scientific community", "institutionalization of science", "social institutions", "scientific society") was determined. Explanation of cognitive and socio-institutional research area has been given, the first of which contains the main blocks of scientific disciplines, and the second represents all the organizational structures that make up the sphere of scientists' activity as the creators of science and those organizations which function as organized structures of scientists' creativity.
It is proved that since the late ХІХth - early ХХth centuries social research area is the sphere of institutionalized scientific activity that enables to qualify the groups of scientists in those days as the social institutions within the institualizational process.
Functioning of scientific societies of Ukraine in the late ХІХth - early ХХth centuries, their differentiation and integration is proposed to consider in the context of network model of science that means integration of disparate elements in the network of interconnected structures of the system, between which information circulates constantly, and using the methods of synergetics which is an interdisciplinary concept of self-organization of complex systems in the space of their evolution.
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