Problems of bank credit risk management and looking for the ways of their overcoming
banks, credits, credit risk, credit risk management, forecasting the bank risk, assessment of the loan debtor's creditworthinessAbstract
The issues of the optimum rate between risk and profitability of bank business have been investigated. The bank operation peculiarities in risk and uncertain conditions are studied. There has been revealed a matter of risk as bank and economic term, it has been presented interlink between various risks and the necessity to improve the managerial process by bank credit risk has been justified. Practical algorithms for solving problems on possible bank credit risks prognosis have been considered and there has been justified the reasonability of their using by banks at practical assessment of creditability of a borrower. A situational simulation of the part of bank's overdue loan debts under different conditions was carried out. The variants of possible developments of bank's credit portfolio during financial crisis were forecasted using conventional examples. According to the calculation banks have been offered to develop their own credit strategy by simulating various situations choosing the most convenient as to risk value as well as to minimize their credit risks and improving an assessment of creditability of borrowers in addition to assessment models, developed by a bank, well-known assessment models of the bankruptcy probabilities, which, by comparing all of them, give the clear picture of possible financial deterioration in future and to use A-calculation method which is based considering subjective factors which, not less than objective ones, can indicate the risk of the loan debts.
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