Modeling of the real sector of economy as elements of government anti-crisis strategy
innovation, investment, industry, real sector, strategyAbstract
Based on the analysis of the selected options of relations between authorities and businesses in the implementation of anti-crisis strategy for the development of the real economy, which include: an active state industrial policies, increased investment as a vertically integrated companies, strengthening the institutions of a modern market democracy.
In this case determined that the most likely and promising of these options is the development of vertically integrated companies whose role will increase significantly in the national economy. This should be considered when developing the Government of Ukraine adequate macroeconomic and institutional policies that support investment activity of companies, with simultaneous leveling of the trend towards monopolization of markets.
It is shown that the transition of Ukraine's economy on a trajectory of sustainable growth requires the creation of a new type of economy, focused on the support of dynamic balance socio-economic, environmental and demographic indicators, high production efficiency, the priority development of scientific and technical fields.
Approaches to implementing the concept of an innovative model of the real sector of the economy as a priority area of state anti-crisis strategy. It is shown that such a model is generated based on vertical and horizontal business structures, strategic alliances and various types of holdings. This approach is justified and consistent theory of business promotion in a globalized world market.
In this regard, it is necessary to solve the following problem: to overcome the economic crisis, to ensure production growth, improve financial sector, restore stability of the reproductive process with a view to triggering increasing investment, establish production globally competitive products highly processed and strengthen the position of the Ukrainian economy in the system of economic relations.
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