Theoretical and axiological aspects of constructivism: the socio-cultural community of Ukraine between the symbolic and natural dimension
constructivism, social constructivism, social ontology of constructivism, philosophical discourse, projective communityAbstract
The actualization of the philosophical axiological position promotes the conceptualization of social community sources. The significance of philosophical discourses for social constructs development shows how the imagined transforms into the real in the form of symbolic exchange.
The significance of philosophical discourses in studying questions of national, gender, cultural, ethnic and social identities, in determining an epistemological field of sciences that analyze politics, economics and culture, in developing heuristic and futurological models, etc. is a timely question of social philosophy and philosophical anthropology in Ukraine.
The generalized representation of the communities' discursive nature is denoted with the term constructivism. The researchers associate the constructivist epistemology expansion with social and cultural changes, the industrial civilization crisis, the society informatization, the knowledge axiological measurement transformation and the fight for the innovation enactment in the social life, etc.
The soviet society was a projective community. It means that the society existed in the discursive dimension. And in the ontological respect it remained scattered into social anthropological groups, social nomenclative classes, social estate groupings and social communicative spheres. The soviet community experience was conditioned by the contemplative idea that did not rely on the social hierarchy authenticity, but corresponded to its converted form in the nature of the communist party nomenclature and community segregation according to its characteristics.
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