Management of personnel production behavior of industrial enterprises
internal motivation, material motivation, immaterial motivation, potential, personnel, enterprise efficiency, production behaviorAbstract
An effective mechanism of personnel production behavior management in the system of enterprise's management to ensure the high performance indexes and enterprise's goals achievement is developed. The results obtained on the basic of: structural and logical analysis - to construct the general logic of staff's production behavior model; method of generalization - to develop the classification of employees' motivation and potential factors; methods of analysis and synthesis - to determine the ratio of factors of potential and motivation factors in the employees' production behavior management. The implemented classification of motivate factors and of the potential as well as developed model of staff's production behavior management allows to determine the dependents between those variables and to propose the practical managerial tools that ensures attainment of company's goals. Based on the proposed model within further research it is advisable to develop a mechanism that takes into account the specific quantitative parameters of the components of the production behavior and is built on using identified at this stage dependencies. The model can be used in the formation of an effective personnel policy that will ensure the achievement of social and economic goals of the company. Implementation of the developed model in practice highlights the social responsibility of the enterprise, shifts the emphasis from a purely economic governance towards better integration of existing needs of employees.
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