Ukraine, Independence, Polish perspective, 30 years of independenceAbstract
This year (2021), we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of Ukraine regaining its inde-pendence. Poland was the first country to recognise the independence of this Central-Eastern European country in the international arena. In this article, I would like to present and dis-cuss selected journal articles and monographs written by Polish authors as a comment to this critical event. The analysis will be based on selected histographic sources, especially those analysed in terms of ideology, but it will also be reasonable to highlight the most im-portant problems that, according to the authors, the young state may await. Often the fears for the future accompanying the authors of the 90s, unfortunately, proved to be true when we analyse the situation at the beginning of the 21st century. One thing does not change. How-ever, over the first years of bilateral relations, it is difficult to find significant press articles negatively related to this matter, and if there are negative ones, they are mostly marginal.
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