Documents on the history of industrial syndicates early 20th century in the State Archive of Luhansk region
documents, syndicate, State Archive of Lugansk region, "Prodamet", Produgol", "Truboprodazha", "Prodvagon", "Prodparovoz"Abstract
The article presents an analysis of the documents of the State Archive of Luhansk region, which illustrate the activity of the industrial syndicates in the early 20th century. Study materials of regional archives is of special interest due to the fact that the documentation of monopolies in the Russian Empire kept very bad. Most of its mass is in the Russian State Historical Archive, there is no the special archival funds on this issue in Ukraine. In this regard, any mention of monopolies is particularly valuable.
The sources on researched topic at the State Archives of Luhansk region relate to the activities of syndicates in heavy industry - "Prodamet", "Produgol", "Truboprodazha", "Prodvagon", "Prodparovoz". The most informative is the fund of the Luhansk Locomotive Works Hartmann (F. 2 and R-1). Materials of other funds (F.4, F.9, F.10, F.11, F. 14) also contain papers we are interested in, but they are few and fragmentary.
Basically sources on the history of monopoly capital in the archive represent business correspondence. Conditionally has been allocated to four groups of documents according to their origins: the internal documentation of enterprises; correspondence with customers; letters and resolutions of government and representative institutions; correspondence received directly from administrations of syndicates. The last group is the most informative. The great bulk of the documents here's period 1916-1918. Particular interest are the materials illustrating an attempt to restore the syndicate "Prodamet" in Ukraine in the summer of 1918, because in the Soviet historiography its nationalization in January 1918 traditionally completed the history of this association. The same applies to the syndicates "Prodvagon" and "Prodparovoz".
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State Archive of Luhansk region, fond R-1, opys 1, sprava 98, 381 p. (ukr).
State Archive of Luhansk region, fond R-1, opys 1, sprava 9, 204 p. (ukr).
State Archive of Luhansk region, fond R-1, opys 1, sprava 2, 197 p. (ukr).
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