Review on the monograph “Socio-political paradoxes of José Ortega y Gasset” (Kyiv, 2021, 211 pp.)
José Ortega y Gasset, social space, theory of the genesis and essence of the stateAbstract
by Oleh Turenko
Kozlovets, M. & Turenko, O. (2019). Yevropeyskyy dosvid interpretatsiyi dykhotomiyi dobrochesnosti i solidarnosti. Ukrayinska polonistyka. Volume 16: 67-76 (In Ukrainian).
Ortega y Gasset, H. (1994). Reflections on Don Quixote. [transl. from Spanish]. Kyiv: Dukh i Litera, 216 с. (In Ukrainian).
Ortega y Gasset, H. (1994). Revolt of the Masses. Selected works [transl. from Spanish]. Kyiv: Osvovy. Pp. 15-139 (In Ukrainian).
Turenko, O. S. (2017a). Sensy istoriyi v teoriyi Khose Ortehi-i-Haseta. Filosofiya i politolohiya v konteksti suchasnoyi kultury. 4 (19): 54-60 (In Ukrainian).
Turenko, O.S. (2017b). Sutnist i vidpravni oznaky derzhavy v doktryni Khose Ortehi-i-Haseta. Problemy pravoznavstva ta pravookhoronnoyi diyalnosti. 1 (59): 27-34 (In Ukrainian).
Turenko, O.S. (2017c). Tsyvilizatsiynyy potentsial «dukhovnoho zhyttya» mista – traktuvannya Khose-Ortehy i Haseta. Suchasni suspilni problemy u vymiri sotsiolohiyi upravlinnya (conference papers) (In Ukrainian).
Turenko, O.S. (2017d). Veryfikatsiya seredniovichchya H. Ortehoyu-i-Hassetom. Visnyk Lvivskoho universytetu. Seriya filosofsko-politolohichni studiyi. Issue 15: 121-126 (In Ukrainian).
Turenko, O.S. (2017e). Mentalno-istorychni zasady derzhavy v kontseptsiyi H. Ortehy-i-Haseta. Filosofiya. Lyudyna. Suchasnist (conference papers). Vinnytsya: TOV «Nilan-LTD»: 23-27 (In Ukrainian).
Turenko, O. (2017f). Conservative concept of the national state H. Ortega y Gаsset. Skhid, 3(149), 104-107.
Turenko, Oleh S., Derevyanko, Bogdan V., Ivanov, Ivan V., Hrudnytskyi, Vasyl M., Rudenko, Liudmyla D. (2020a). The State – in interpretation of Jose Ortega Y Gasset. Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Anul XXV, Nr. 2(38): 77-88.
Turenko, O.S. (2020b). Sportyvna teoriya pokhodzhennya derzhavy H. Ortehy-i-Haseta. Pravovyy chasopys Donbasu. 2 (71): 52-61 (In Ukrainian).
Turenko, O.S. (2021). Sotsialno-politychni paradoksy Khose Ortegy-i-Gaseta: monohrafiya. Kyyiv: Khalikov R.R. Publisher, 211 p. (In Ukrainian).
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