Rating approach to complex evaluation of investment attractiveness of coal mining enterprises
rating, investment attractiveness, assessment, coal mining enterprisesAbstract
The research work has resulted in determination and specification of the content and constitutive elements of an investment process, the basic approaches in determination of investment attractiveness as well as methods of its evaluation. The application of artificial neural networks, elements of fuzzy logic and clastering within Neuro-Fuzzy Interence System using Kohonen's self organizing feature maps and the bell-shaped presence function have been grounded. In the article the relevance of using the rating approach for evaluation of investment attractiveness has been grounded. The structure of incoming dataset to be used for the rating evaluation has been suggested. The set of parameters to characterize the rating scale has been calculated. The rating index of complex evaluation of investment attractiveness "piar" has been formed. The generalizing rating scale used for complex evaluation of investment attractiveness of coal-mining enterprises has been designed, and the generalizing rating of investment attractiveness of the enterprises under consideration has been formed.
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