Avgustin's version of fear - true and false targets of free choice between the immanent and transcendent





fear, immanent, transcendent, philosophical view


The article describes the presentation of St. Augustine of immanent and transcendent sense of fear and determined its place in the world presents a picture of the value in the individual process of implementation of the universal forms - saving. It is concluded that the doctrine of the Church Father has three kinds of fear -trivial, slave and Provost. Avgustin's doctrine of fear is a phenomenon of the human mind, and soul moving element of the universe and all of God's people. Its powerful potential to transform the ideological imagination initially depends on individual choice - free will, courageous and skilful guidance of believer to higher models transcendent, overcoming ambiguity and trivial philosophical meanings. Symbolism and hierarchy of fear in the universe completes its ambivalent meaning - the scope of the fear of God, who holds all things in the order of love (ordo amoris) and wants implement universal form. It was under the influence of fear Avgustin's doctrines Middle Ages produced theocratic model fondly - terrible ruler that his will kept the integrity of the social and political order. And the Church has involved the doctrine in the case of collective salvation - to attract the Gentiles, sinners little faith in her womb. At the same time, fear, through the institution of repentance becomes an instrument of control believer's inner world, a tool which "oversees" everything that can be dangerous collective salvation - a false realization of universal forms.

Author Biography

Oleh Turenko, Donetsk Law Institute of State and Law

PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and History of State and Law


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How to Cite

Turenko, O. (2014). Avgustin’s version of fear - true and false targets of free choice between the immanent and transcendent. Skhid, (1(127). https://doi.org/10.21847/1728-9343.2014.1(127).23151


