Justice as Measure of Morals and Law in Volodymyr Soloviov's Socio-Philosophical Concept
justice, truth, the good, morals, law, deeds, retaliation, doctrine, legislation, dignityAbstract
Based on an analysis of fundamental philosophical works of philosopher Volodymyr Soloviov "Justification of the Good" and "Law and Morality", the paper defines characteristics of justice, which allow perceiving it as a measure of interrelationship of morals and law, deed and retaliation. The author lays down the maxims of Volodymyr Soloviov's philosophical doctrine, which comprise the following: 1) recognition of criminal's and complainant's rights to state aid; 2) nonidentity of retaliation and current criminal laws; 3) respect for human dignity in any case; 4) necessity to influence a criminal solely through mutual understanding; 5) unjustifiability of punishment from the moral point of view; 6) necessity of social custody of a criminal.
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