Experience in introduction of military priesthood (chaplains) into the Armed Forces of Ukraine
pastoral care, military priesthood, chaplains, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the military, religious organizationsAbstract
The aim of the article is to study the implementation process of the military chaplaincy into the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the independence of Ukraine. Researching of the process of implementing the military chaplaincy into the Armed Forces of Ukraine allowed to divide the process of military and religious cooperation into two periods: from 1992 till 2008 and from 2008 to the present. During the first period there had been established cooperation between religious institutions with the army. During the first period there was establishing of cooperation between churches and religious organizations and the military units. In the first half of the first period this cooperation was unsystematic with no constructive inter-religious cooperation. Most active cooperation of churches and the army was in the western region of Ukraine. Gradually sporadic activities of churches and religious organizations had been getting consolidated interfaith character in this context after 2000. The second period is characterized as a period of consolidated collaboration of churches and religious organizations with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and effective cooperation with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and partnerships between the army and religious organizations. There had been established an effective advisory body - the Council for the Pastoral Care of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense had been approved a number of legal acts which clearly defined the mechanism of military- religious cooperation. The consolidated decision of the religious and military side was the establishing of a military chaplaincy institute in the structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In this context the legislative work is continuing.
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