Evangelical Churches of the foreign policy vector of the new religious policy of the USSR during 1941-1948
new religious policy, lend-lease, international policy, Evangelical Churches, Russian Orthodox Church, foreign activity, the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults, the Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox ChurchAbstract
The article examines the problems of development and crisis of the foreign policy vector of the new religious policy of the USSR during 1941-1948. The Second World War brought significant changes in the plans of the Soviet leadership forced them to reconsider their attitude to religious associations. Problems at the fronts, at the occupied territories and the negotiations with the Allies largely depended from the religious question. The Soviet leadership and religious organizations came out of the Second World War with a positive balance: Soviet state was able to resolve all the issues related to the successful ending of the war, and religious organizations have gone from legalization to institutionalization. At the postwar years, foreign policy vector religious policy was in many ways associated with the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. The Soviet government was not yet able to assess the potential of the Evangelical churches in their activities abroad. Disappointment in the possibilities of using the ROC abroad, led to a cooling of the entire religious policy in the USSR since 1948, until the arrival of the new political leadership.
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