Kyrgyzstan - returning to Russian orbit




Republic of Kyrgyzstan, national security, Armed Forces, special units, military and political constituent


Formation and build-up of a new independent Central Asian state - the Republic of Kyrgyzstan in the postwar period are explored. Of special focus is a military and political constituent of the development of the state after disintegration of the Soviet Union. It is emphasized that the Republican Armed Forces are ready to stand up to global threats: international terrorism. The membership of the Republic in such regional organizations for security as the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as well as relationships with the NATO within the Partnership for Peace Program and bilateral relations with the Russian Federation, the USA and China are analyzed. A multiple-vector foreign policy of Kyrgyzstan as strong evidence of looking for effective ways of enhancing national security and interests both on the regional level and globally is emphasized. Domestic challenges and threats are listed. Of priority among the latter are the economic crisis, lack of political stability, poor, out-of-date equipment of the Armed Forces and control problems of common frontiers with Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China in mountainous areas. The Armed Doctrine of 2002-2010 as well as military and technical cooperation with the Russian Federation are reviewed. The inconsistency of concurrent presence of Russian military bases and the Manas Air Base of the NATO coalition forces in the territory of the Republic is pointed out. It is stressed that Kyrgyzstan expands its economic cooperation with China which is softly competing for the Central Asia with Russia and China. It is indicated that in its foreign policy Kyrgyzstan aims to pursue the Russian line and at the same time integrate in the Muslim community while clearly willing to cooperate with EU countries and the USA.

Author Biography

Bogdan Levyk, National University "Lviv Polytechnic"

Candidate of Historical Sciences, retired Colonel


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How to Cite

Levyk, B. (2014). Kyrgyzstan - returning to Russian orbit. Skhid, (1(127).


