The historiography of Russia - EU relations in the international security sphere in 1992-2010




historiography, the European Union, the Russian Federation, international security, non-military aspects of international security


The article concentrates on the characteristic of the historiography of EU - Russia relations in international security issues during 1992-2010. The author observes the transformation of the international security concept and highlights that after the Cold War the broadening of the traditional view on this matter has become the widely-spread tendency in modern science. Ukrainian and foreign security studies have been reviewed according to this approach. The author points out that there is a great amount of works, which deal with this problem. The results of researches on different aspects of EU - Russia relations in the security sphere, such as the dialogue about the border and illegally immigration questions, the struggle against international terrorism, drug and human trafficking beings, the ecological cooperation and interaction in outer space are summarized. The article stresses that the majority of works devoted to the Russia - EU relations in international security touches upon the law side or one party's activity, although its interaction is of our scientific interest. The main tendencies and peculiarities of the Ukrainian, Russian, European and American historiography are analyzed. The author finds out the uninvestigated issues, which open wide perspectives for researchers in their future studies of EU - Russia relations in the sphere of international security.

Author Biography

Iryna Lebid, Donetsk National University

post-graduate student at the World History Department


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How to Cite

Lebid, I. (2014). The historiography of Russia - EU relations in the international security sphere in 1992-2010. Skhid, (1(127).


