The historiography of the Soviet partisan's movement in the Great Patriotic War
historiography, Soviet partisan's movement, daily lifeAbstract
Article is devoted to the problem of scientific study of the Soviet partisans' everyday life on the territory of Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet, foreign and modern historical literature. The author observed works on the matter from the beginning of war and to the present which cover some aspects of partisan everyday life. The main stages of its studying are allocated and characterized within a raised problem. The author pays attention to a thematic variety and the priority directions of research on given subject. Historians highlight different problems such as endowment of the Soviet partisans, political agitation and propaganda campaign among partisans' formations personnel and population of the occupied territory, existence of partisan's territories and zones in the occupied territory, the civilian population aid to partisans, medical care and leisure of activities of the Soviet partisans.The conclusion is drawn that given problem did not become a subject of concrete historical research but works of the Soviet, foreign and modern Ukrainian researchers under this review focused the reader's attention on some separate plots of the Soviet partisans' everyday life. The author comes to the conclusion that given problem is the perspective direction for further historical research.
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