Organizational approaches to the urban management




urban management, organizational system, development, providing


Article is devoted to the problem of improving the efficiency of urban management. The work is characterized by an institutional framework of urban management as an important social phenomenon. Management form of this phenomenon is leading in terms of improving the system of organization and regulation of the life and activity of the territorial community of the city.

Urban management is a complex system of actions and managerial activities that are aimed at the effective organization, analysis, diagnosis and prognosis of various activities in the city, rational and balanced use of appropriate urban potentials, solution to the problems of local importance and welfare of the urban population. Principles of urban management in the context of the city as the territorial, economic and social systems were substantiated.

The paper identifies the factors that affect the objects of urban management and determine the direction of its further transformation. The provisions on the formation and consolidation of organizational approach in ensuring the effectiveness of urban management were developed. This approach involves the consideration (as an object of management) of the city as a complex structured organizational system and the use of traditional practices with the rules and procedures of organizational management. On the basis of the revealed features of organizational and economic unit providing of urban management have been substantiated proposals for its improvement in modern conditions.

Author Biography

Nataliya Chuvikina, Institute of Economic and Legal Research of NAS of Ukraine, Donetsk

Research officer of Department of Economic and Legal Problems in City-study 


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How to Cite

Chuvikina, N. (2014). Organizational approaches to the urban management. Skhid, (1(127).


