Rational development experience of the structures in health
healthcare, the concept of efficiencyAbstract
The paper conducted a comparative analysis of Health key performance indicators of Ukraine, the European Union, the CIS and the European region, which showed fundamental differences Ukrainian organization of the sector from that in these regions. Concluded that the current health system in Ukraine is ineffective in market conditions and leads to deformation of the healthcare industry as a whole. The analysis of the existing system of health showed the need for substantial renovation views on government regulation in this area as well as improving the functioning of existing structures industry which will contribute to the strategic goals of health.
The concept of simulation of the formation of the rational organization of the structures development in the Health, which is based on the application of economic-mathematical modeling methods and gives the opportunity to monitor the effectiveness of public administration in the industry. Among the proposed methods for the study are: the cluster analysis method, factor analysis method, the dispersion method, expert assessments, the method of additive convolution of criteria for the construction of the aggregated criteria for evaluating the distribution of financial costs of medical institutions, the optimal sets partition method.
Based on the developed concepts necessity research functioning health sector at the regional level that would allow for an effective policy of the state and use a rational approach to improve the functioning of the whole system.
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