Selection of price strategy for development of life support system of Ukrainian population




factors, price strategy, tariff policy, life support of population


Combination of enhanced socio-economic and political significance of the life support system of population and inadequate efficiency of regulation mechanisms of activities of its entities makes domestic economists look for new approaches in selection of a price strategy for its development, which will motivate economic agents to economic growth and maximization of public good as well as ensure a balance of their interests. New approaches have to be underpinned by regulation principles of natural monopolies, well-known in the economic theory, with due consideration of territorial, social, institutional, transformational and other specificity of Ukrainian economy.

In the context of this research, the life support system of population means a complex of resources and facilities ensuring necessary conditions for life of members of society (heat and water supply, water disposal).

The life support system of Ukrainian population as a component of the housing and public utilities field as well as the social infrastructure of the country is among the least reformed fields of the national economy, which are particularly sensitive to an impact of negative economic trends and political factors and face numerous unresolved problems.

The reforming of the field was monitored, the lack of positive results in handling the problem pointed out. This gave rise to a research into the specificity of factors which have a great impact on selection of a price strategy for development of the life support system of Ukrainian population: the level of consumer demand, its elasticity, social significance of services and necessity of tariff regulation.

The study into a specific influence of factors on selection of a price strategy for development of the life support system of Ukrainian population allows to formalize a price decision making process.

A high level of under-elastic demand for socially significant services which need strict tariff regulation lays down specific requirements to selection of a price strategy for development of the life support system of population.

Author Biography

Yaroslav Liashok, Krasnoarmeisk Industrial Institute at Donetsk National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Engineering), Director 


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How to Cite

Liashok, Y. (2014). Selection of price strategy for development of life support system of Ukrainian population. Skhid, (1(127).


