Marketing strategies and factors which have influence in promoting process of high-tech products on the market
promotion, innovation, innovative product, strategyAbstract
Determined the features of innovation sectors development of economics, with a focus on the dependence of strategic decisions of manufacturers from the type of innovations and marketing strategy is chosen. Defined the terms of "promotion" and "marketing communications" in foreign and domestic scientific minds development. Determined the role of products promoting on the market, studied the basic output and promotion marketing strategies of innovative products. Explained the implementation effect of economic growth for the manufacturers and the state as a whole by establishing a system of promotion. Identified and investigated the factors that could significantly have impact on the selection of elements of the marketing mix to promote a new product on the market. Thoroughly analyzed the spheres of influence on strategic decision in innovations promotion on the market during the process of marketing mix planning, at the same time were given ways to improve the stages of products promotion on the market in dependence on the level of innovation. Determined that the main marketing idea, promotion intensity, level of novelty, risk level, the ultimate goal of manufacturer and nature of consumer are decisive factors that have influence on the marketing mix. Proved crucial role of marketing strategy of products promotion on the market due to the difference between conventional and innovative products. Defined the individual variations of innovative goods promotion by manufacturer based on its position in the market. Determined the main difference between conventional and innovative products promotion.
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