The formation of stuff educational and development system of thermal networks
staff development, training, vocational training, heating networks, re-engineeringAbstract
The article is devoted to the research of the goals and targets of creation system which deals with vocational training and staff development of domestic heating networks. The author provides the analysis of heating networks modern state and it's allowed to identify the major trends of their development. Based on this information the author defines necessity to introduce energy-efficient technologies and equipment for heating networks and this fact leads us to the need to form new system of upgrading and improving staff professional skills.
The article proposes major stages of staff education based on four genes of the eleventh chromosome taken from Gouillart and Kelly's approach to re-engineering. The author chooses as main directions of education such areas as manufacture and equipment modernization, improving efficiency of energy saving and newest developments in communal services.
It is shown in detail the designed plan to qualify the personnel of heating networks. It should be noted the importance of engaging leading experts of utility companies, professors of educational institutions and scientific organizations for elaborating educational programs for potentially perspective employees. At the end of educational process the employees will get certificates of advanced training on studying programs and they will be promoted when it will be need.
In conclusion the article sums up that formation of this stuff educational and development system of heating networks will ensure high work efficiency and let to raise the quality of provided services.References
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