part 1
Ekaterinoslav Province, city public administration, self-government, provincial presence for the zemstvo and city affairs, Senate, City Duma, city council, social transformationsAbstract
It has been stated that in the practice of the Ekaterinoslav provincial presence for the zemstvo and city affairs, there are cases of detection of significant violations in the activities of public administrations of cities. The result was the initiation of criminal cases or the imposition of or disciplinary action against employees and even heads of communal institutions. There were also cases of unjustified prosecution of municipalities, which was accompanied by many years of litigation. It has been determined that the Governor, the Provincial Presence, the Senate in their control and appeal practice sought to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of individuals and urban communities. According to the interested party, the legality of acts of municipal self-government could become the object of judicial control, which was conducted within the judicial process. It has been revealed that one of the most important aspects of state supervision was the budget policy of city self-governments, the ways of income supplement of the city estimates and the expenditure. It has been proved that the vast majority of city public administrations of the Ekaterinoslav Province had cases of cancellation of decisions by the Provincial Presence in their practice. At the same time, the decisions of the supervisory institution during their appeal by local governments found support in the decisions of the Senate. It is shown that due to misinterpretation of the laws, the Presence made wrong decisions. This was the result of insufficient legal training of governors and other members of the Presence, unsatisfactory dissemination of information about the Senate’s practice in urban affairs. The scientific novelty of this study is implemented through the use of unpublished archival documents and published sources, which have not yet been introduced into scientific circulation and not used by scientists for historical analysis in order to reveal the essence of administrative supervision over municipal self-governments in the Ekaterinoslav Province (1870-1914).
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