the Roman Catholic Church, Naddniprianska Ukraine, act sources, public legislative acts, bull, business documentation, census, Diocesan Gazette, Commemorative booksAbstract
An attempt of analysis of written sources of the history of the Roman Catholic Church on the territory of Ukraine at the end of 40-s of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century was performed in the article. Such types of sources as act documents were selected due to the type-specificity principle. Concordat of 1847 as an international agreement between Vatican and the Russian Empire has become a crucial object of analysis. The legislative acts included into “The full collection of laws of the Russian Empire” are considered among the documents of the authorities engaged in the study that are crucial legislative acts the power of which was extended on all administrative and territorial units. The documents of religious organizations are represented in the study by the bull of “Diocesan separation” written by the Pope of Rome Pius IX.
Business documentation, statistical materials, among of which is “The first general census of inhabitants of the Russian Empire in 1897”, are considered in the study. Moreover, “Diocesan Gazette” – an official periodical of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Russian Empire is presented in the study. Compendiums dated of the second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century are a particular type of written sources, namely they are represented by “Commemorative books”, for example, an issue: “The Roman Catholic hierarchy in the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Poland and a list to secular and monastic clergy in Lutsk-Zhytomyr diocese and Podillia province” that contained essential statistical information as well as records regarding a hierarchical structure of the diocesan clergy of the Roman Catholic Church on the territory of Naddniprianska Ukraine in defined period.
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