Metaphor as a development factor of the network society




network theory, network society, metaphor, metatheory


The formation of the methodological apparatus of network theory has been shown and the role of metaphor in the network society has been investigated to identify changes in reality and the emergence of new knowledge or a new variant of knowledge. It has been determined that thanks to metaphors, the paradigm of description of contemporary society has changed, which is now characterized as “network” or “web”, “flowing”, “dynamic”, “uneven” etc. The most famous attempts of such a description are the concept of new sociality by Z. Bauman and the actor-network theory by B. Latour. The latter allows considering the metaphor at the epistemological level of knowledge, i.e. in the processes of social construction. In this case, metaphors are used to build various kinds of metatheories that combine ways of substantiating and structuring knowledge about society, as well as determine the logical correlation of the main elements of analysis. An analysis of R. Haeussling’s network concept is given as an illustration of such possibilities of metaphor.


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How to Cite

Schnitzer, M. (2021). Metaphor as a development factor of the network society. Skhid, (1(165), 72–76.



Social Philosophy