anti-Semitism policy, World War II, German-Soviet war, propaganda, mediaAbstract
During World War II, anti-Semitism reached its highest level of cruelty, especially in the occupied territories of Ukraine. The article revealed the German occupation policy, which adhered to the principle of conflict creation between different peoples and ethnic groups, who inhabited the Reich Commissariat “Ukraine” and the area of military administration. The article also covered the periodicals, leaflets, caricatures, all kinds of proclamations, propaganda campaigns as means of anti-Semitic propaganda were aimed at creating a terrible image of the Jew. The most widespread in Nazi propaganda was the accusation of Jews of crimes by the Bolshevik Stalinist regime. It has been proven that the open call for the extermination of Jews as bearers of Bolshevik ideology and practice was made through Nazi propaganda. It was found that the influence of Nazi propaganda on the population of the occupied territories was huge, which forced the Soviet troops to intensify their own propaganda after returning to their territories. In general, German agitation and propaganda activities played a significant role in advancing the Nazi army deep into the USSR, but the inconsistent policy of the German occupation authorities undermined the information principles it had created. The Nazi occupation policy led to the total annihilation of the Jewish people in the occupied territories of Ukraine. The moral and psychological condition of the population of the occupied territories was extremely difficult, people no longer believed that the German authorities would fulfill the promises they had mentioned in their propaganda. The political forces of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union used the most modern methods and means of influencing the population of opposing and military opponents.References
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